commercial paving and pavement maintenance contractor serving connecticut and western massachusetts

COMMERCIAL ASPHALT PAVING AND PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR. A full-service, family owned business, operating since 1985. Serving all of Connecticut and western Massachusetts. We specialize in Commercial, large residential, and Industrial projects.


  • Pavement installations, full-depth reconstruction & repairs
  • Pavement Milling, Tack Coating, Fabric Installations
  • Bituminous concrete curb installations & repairs
  • Hot rubberized Crack Sealing
  • Slurry Seal Coating
  • Catch Basin reconstruction and drainage repairs
  • Concrete flat work - sidewalks, pads, ramps
  • Pavement Marking - ADA Compliant - Line Striping
  • Parking lot signage & bollard installation

We provide quality products and workmanship for commercial, industrial, and large residential properties. Our products meet all Federal and State specifications.


We are a State of Connecticut DAS Certified SBE contractor. An A+ rated business with the Better Business Bureau. We are members of the Connecticut Business & Industry Association and the Motor Transportation Association of Connecticut.


We work closely with property owners and managers to assure they receive the highest quality of work using the most cost effective means. We work within budgets and provide long term pavement management solutions.


Our staff of highly trained professional installers and applicators are fully licensed and insured, with over 30 years of experience in all phases of bituminous concrete pavements.


Forbes Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. The employer will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, and advertising for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, or sexual orientation.


Please contact us today to see how we can help you with your pavement needs.


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Industry experienced professionals since 1985

Full Service Paving Contractor and Pavement Maintenance Professionals

155 Brickyard Road

Farmington, CT 06032

Phone: (860) 677-9511

Fax: (860) 677-9717

General Email:

General Email:

Heather Forbes:

Don Forbes:

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